Our children’s world is a fast moving theatre of information, entertainment, virtual relationships, and out-of-the box concepts that were unheard of just forty years ago.
The internet and the prevalence of convenient, portable gadgets are a boon to modern civilization; but, their dark side hosts online predators, thieving hackers, and morbidly dangerous information.
Welcome to Parent Link a support organisation that offers parents and their additional needs children help and support locally at ‘Colors’ in Holbury, Fawley
We offer a number of activities to stimulate your child’s imagination and understanding of the world.
Help is available, so please get in touch with us and we will see what we can do for you.
Parentlink was established in 2007 in Wiltshire, where I worked with young parents and their children to encourage bonding, nurturing and confidence building within their new world of parenting.
A variety of clubs are available across the week and at holiday time.
Carelink, Childlink and Support Link Services are all available to help you and your family from Respite for Families to Outreach Service.
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